Support a Scholarship
Every year the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships fundraising team must raise every penny that we need to fund our Scholarships
Our 16-18 year old Scholars rely on the generosity of our donors to enable their Scholarships. Our funding comes from sponsorship and donations from over 160 Commercial Companies, Universities, Foundations, Trusts, Trade Associations, Professional Institutions, Livery Companies, Industry Regulators, the Armed Services and Personal Donors.
The income from our valued Sponsors and Donors funds our rigorous student selection and award process, and gives our circa 600 Scholars the experience of a lifetime.
Could you, or your employer, help support our programme? Click the buttons below to learn more:
Individual Giving Corporate Partners Trusts & Foundations
"The Arkwright Engineering Scholarship gave me the confidence to pursue a career in engineering and construction and has set me up for a fulfilling career doing something I love. The opportunities it gave me and the lessons I have learnt will continue to benefit me long into the future."
Lucie, Arkwright Engineering Scholar 2017