
Second Scholar wins place at MIT

20 July 2017

Arkwright Scholar Max Raven will be swapping Colchester for Cambridge, Massachusetts in the autumn when he begins a degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Max, whose Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is sponsored by The Eranda Rothschild Foundation, was one of only 1200 global students, out of 22,000 applicants, to gain a place at MIT which is ranked number 1 in the world for Engineering.

Max follows in the footsteps of Arkwright alumna Emily Sheng who joined MIT in 2015. Amazingly Emily is also studying Mechanical Engineering. Emily’s Arkwright Engineering Scholarship was funded by Guided Ultrasonics Ltd.

Arkwright’s Chief Executive, Dr Martin Thomas said: “Congratulations to Max on this fantastic achievement. The quality of Arkwright alumni is shining through across the globe with alumni now excelling on courses at the world’s top universities, from MIT to Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, from Harvard to Technical University Munich”.