Trusts & Foundations

We are always very grateful to Trusts and Foundations who provide us with generous grants that enable us to provide these scholarships.

Arkwright Engineering Scholarships are designed to inspire students to pursue their dreams and change the world as a future leader in engineering. We award our prestigious engineering scholarships through rigorous selection to hard-working STEM students from all education backgrounds, supporting them through their A levels.

The Scholarships consist of:

  • Engineering enrichment for Scholars – support from a Sponsor; Connect Days hosted by engineering organisations; university taster courses; mentoring by graduate engineers and designers; e-newsletter with events and opportunities open to scholars; free trade magazines, exclusive opportunities for undergraduate scholarships.

  • A £600 financial award for each Scholar – to purchase textbooks, project materials, essential tech and enrichment experiences to benefit their academic studies and wider experience of engineering.

  • A £400 financial reward to the Scholars’ school – to be spent on equipment, materials or teacher training for STEM subjects, to enhance students learning for years to come.

Your help plays a huge part in supporting Scholars, especially in widening participation in the programme to those from disadvantaged backgrounds. We will always try and match our Scholars to any specific interest your trust may have.

To register your interest in sponsoring a scholarship or for more information then please contact our Third Sector Partnerships Manager, Georgina Hare:


“The Arkwright Scholarship is an amazing opportunity that has the potential to open up so many doors for a future in engineering. It provided me with greater awareness and the funds to pursue competition opportunities, connect with industry leaders and meet so many like-minded students – an amazing platform to get started!”

Shafae, Arkwright Engineering Scholar 2016